Manage administrators and permissions under one page
Upon clicking on the People tab, you will see the following features and functionalities. If you have configured a directory integration, your directory will be auto-populated here.
Main Features
User list
The People tab displays a comprehensive list of all users within your division, spanning all locations and teams. Each user entry includes:
User Location
User Status (Active or Inactive)
Delete User option
User Status
Active Users: These users are actively allocated space by AIDRA and utilised by the system.
Inactive Users: These users will not be allocated any space by AIDRA, nor used by the system unless their status is changed to active.
Search Functionality
The search function allows you to filter the user list by name or email, helping you quickly locate the specific user you are looking for.
User Details and Editing
To view and edit user details, click on a user within the list. This action will take you to the user’s overview page, which includes the following sections:
People overview
In this section, you can modify the following user information:
Last Name
Profile settings
Within the user’s profile, navigate to "Schedule Settings" to access and adjust:
Notification Preferences: Customise how and under which protocol the user receives notifications.
Privacy Preferences: Control the visibility of the user's information and define who can schedule on behalf of the user.
Schedule settings:
Default Team: Sets the user’s default team, used by AIDRA for allocations on fixed days and forecasting. This will also be pre-selected when the user schedules via the app.
Default Location: Sets the user’s default location, also utilised by AIDRA for fixed day allocations and forecasting. This location will be pre-selected when scheduling via the app.
Fixed Days: Create multiple configurations for different teams and locations across various days. For example, a user might be with Team A at Location A on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and with Team B every other week on Thursday and Wednesday, with repeating patterns. AIDRA will auto-allocate based on these fixed day settings.
Last updated