
gospace Release Notes - v2.0.9

We're pleased to announce the release of v2.0.9. This update introduces new features to enhance admin capabilities and improve overall user experience based on your valuable feedback. Our focus now is to further improve stability.

New Features

  1. Ability to create a connection in Planning

We've expanded the ability to create new connections directly from the Planning<Connections tab. Previously, connections could only be created from the entity itself (e.g., navigating to a person in People, then adding a connection). Now, admins can create connections from and to any entity within the Planning section, streamlining the process and improving flexibility.

  1. Beta Release: Planning Dashboard with Key Metrics

We're excited to introduce the beta version of a new dashboard in the Planning section. This powerful tool provides admins with key metrics via a graph for their chosen day and location.

Metrics available in this graph include:

  • Available spaces in the building (total capacity)

  • Available rooms in the building (total rooms capacity)

  • Number of requested spaces/allocated spaces

  • Number of requested rooms/allocated rooms

  • Forecasted occupancy

  • Actual occupancy

This new feature aims to give admins a comprehensive overview of occupancy trends for daily management and future prediction, enhancing the data which used to only be available via the Analytics tab.

  1. Added a new type icon to "Find Rooms" in Planning

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Implemented a clear warning message when users attempt to accept an invite for a day with an existing intention

  • Fixed an issue where historic data wasn't mapping correctly

  • Resolved privacy setting issues:

    • "Restrict my schedule" now correctly hides a user's schedule when turned on

    • "Schedule hidden" now functions properly when turned on or off

  • Fixed an issue where smaller rooms were being allocated when larger, more suitable rooms were available

  • Corrected the status display for invitees with auto-accept turned on, now showing as "Confirmed" instead of "Invited"

  • Addressed timeout issues that were causing some invited users' intentions to fail when being invited

Known Issues

  • Turning off email notifications does not function

  • There isn't an error when scheduling for a room with an invite list larger than the largest room

Coming soon:

  • Ability to edit an intention for a future or same day

  • Priority location mapping from the integration to sync with waitlist, ensuring priority is given to those with a priority location

  • AIDRA metrics MVP on planning

  • Shifts for room scheduling

Thank you for your continued trust in gospace!

- The gospace team

Last updated