As an Admin with integrations permissions, you can sync your occupancy data or directory via SFTP.

If using SFTP for directory this means your active directory can be seamlessly populated in gospace AI, so you can start to automate for all your users, and map them to teams without any manual inp

If using SFTP for occupancy this means your real-time occupancy data will be synced with the gospace AI platform for AIDRA to learn and improve your forecasting for smarter space allocation.

To begin, click on either "SFTP - location occupancy data" for real-time occupancy or "SFTP - user management" for directory on the integrations page. You'll then see the below.

First we must enter the relevant SFTP credentials in order to create a connection. To explain these fields and how to configure them:


In a Secure File Transfer Protocol integration, the host refers to the address of the server where your directory is stored. You can obtain this information from your IT department or network administrator.

For example, using AWS:

  1. Navigate to the EC2 Dashboard.

  2. Select "Services" from the top navigation bar.

  3. Choose "EC2" under the "Compute" category.

  4. On the EC2 dashboard, click "Instances" on the left-side menu to view a list of your EC2 instances.

  5. Select Your Instance: Find the instance running your SFTP service.

  6. Once you select your instance, a details panel for the instance will appear at the bottom of the screen.

  7. In the description panel, look for either the "IPv4 Public IP" or the "Public DNS (IPv4)". This IP or DNS is what you will use as the Host in your SFTP settings when integrating with gospace.

For instance, if your EC2 instance's public DNS is ec2-123-12-123-1.compute-1.amazonaws.com, use that as your SFTP server's host address.

Remember to ensure that your EC2 instance is configured to allow SFTP connections.

Port number

The port number specifies the entry point for communication with your SFTP server. While the standard port for SFTP is 22 or 2222, it may vary depending on your configuration. If a custom port is used, confirm the number with your IT team.

To find your port number using AWS:

  • Click "Instances" on the left and select your instance.

  • In the "Description" tab, under "Security Groups", click on the specific security group linked to your instance.

  • In the "Inbound rules" tab, check which ports are open; if SFTP is set up with the standard port, it should list port 22.


In an SFTP integration, the path should specify the exact directory on the server where your files are stored, and where gospace AI will read from to import your users and/or teams.


To establish a secure connection between gospace AI and your SFTP server, you need to provide the authentication details. This includes a username and password, or a private key.

Once you've input your credentials correctly and clicked Continue, you will be asked to confirm your integration. Here, you'll have the following options:

  1. Integration Name: Choose a name for your SFTP integration that clearly identifies its purpose .for tracking your integrations later on. For example, "Occupancy Import". This name will be used to identify the integration within the integrations page.

  2. CSV Delimiter: If your SFTP server will be handling CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files, specify the delimiter character used in these files. The delimiter is the character that separates individual data fields within the CSV file.

  3. Regular Expression for File Name Selection: In this field, enter a regular expression (regex) pattern to specify which files should be included in the SFTP transfer. This is useful if you only want to process files that match a certain naming convention or pattern. For example, if you want to only import files that start with "employee_" and end with ".csv", you could use a regex like ^employee_..csv$.

  4. CSV File Includes Column Headings: This radio button allows you to indicate whether your CSV files include a header row that specifies the names of each column. If your CSV files have a header row, slick the radio button. This tells gospace AI to treat the first row of the file as column names rather than data.

If everything looks good, click "Confirm" to create your SFTP integration. gospace AI will then test the connection to your SFTP server and verify that it can successfully authenticate and access the specified file path. If the connection test is successful, your SFTP integration is ready to start mapping to import your users, teams or both.

Next steps:

Map your directory

Last updated