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Map the columns from your CSV files to specific user fields in gospace. For each user field, you'll see a dropdown menu listing all the columns from your CSV file. Select the appropriate column from the dropdown that corresponds to each user field.
The mandatory user fields are:
"User ID": A unique identifier for each user, such as an employee ID, email, or username, this could be anything that can be used to uniquely identify users in gospace.
"Email": The email address associated with each user.
"First Name": The user's first name.
"Last Name": The user's last name.
You'll also see some optional fields:
"Occupancy Mapping ID": Use this to map Users via this column to Occupancy data when imported.
"Active Start Date": If your CSV includes a column indicating when each user's access should start, map it to this field, this will populate within gospace AI to ensure the users account is not activated until the date set, this is useful for new starters.
"Active End Date": If your CSV includes a column indicating when each user's access should end, map it to this field, this will populate within gospace AI to ensure the users account is deactivated on the date set, this is useful for when you know a user is leaving the organisation.
In the Custom Mappings section, you can include fields like default location, default team, and priority location to assign/map users to specific locations and teams within gospace and specify locations which users should be prioritised for when scheduling. To set up these mappings, click "Add Custom Mapping", select the mapping type i.e. default team, and select the corresponding column from your CSV file. For priority locations, you can include multiple columns in your CSV file (e.g., "Priority Location 1", "Priority Location 2") and create a separate custom mapping for each one, if a user should be prioritised in multiple locations.
Filters allow you to specify conditions that rows from your CSV file must meet in order to be imported. This is useful if you only want to import a subset of users based on certain criteria, here you can select the filterKey, which is the column headings in your CSV - then select the allowed values.
Once you've completed your user mapping configuration, carefully review all the field mappings and filters to ensure they are correct. Any mistakes in the mapping could lead to incorrect or missing data in gospace. If everything looks good, click "Confirm" to apply your user mapping settings.
gospace AI will then sync via the SFTP import everyday at midnight, so if there are any changes you can make amendments to the CSV itself.