Custom mappings and filters

Custom Mappings:

  • If your CSV file includes additional user or team-related fields that don't fit into the predefined fields, you can create custom mappings.

  • Click "Add Custom Mapping" to create a new row.

  • In the "gospace Field" column, select the gospace field you want to map the data to (e.g., "Default team", "User: Default location", "Team: Default location").

  • In the "Imported Field" column, select the corresponding column from your CSV file that contains the data for that field.

Example use cases:

Giving users priority to scheduling specific locations

An example of custom mapping is with priority locations. If you have a value in your directory ie primary location, here you can configure that any user of which has the set value would get priority at this location. What this means for the user, is if you set a user to have priority at a location in gospace, when they go to schedule space they would get priority over someone that does not have this priority location set.

Setting your users default location and team

Another example could be setting your default team and location. From custom mapping you can pre-configure the default team, and/or location of your users. This pre-configures these values for your users so when they go to schedule space these will automatically be pre-filled for the users.

Example of mapping these values:

Example of how this looks pre-filled in their default schedule settings to the users when setup in your integrations:


Filters allow you to specify conditions that rows from your director file must meet in order to be imported, an data that doesn’t match these conditions won’t be imported into gospace.

  • To add a filter, click "Add Filter".

  • In the "Filter Key" column, select the CSV column you want to filter on (e.g., "Team Name", "Department", "User ID").

  • In the "Allowed Values" column, enter the values that the selected column must match for the row to be imported. Separate multiple values with commas.

For example, you could create a filter where "Department" equals "Sales" to only import users and teams from the Sales department, any not matching the filter will be excluded. This is useful as you can create multiple different integrations to filter only users from Location A, or only users from Team A, and then another for only users from Team C etc.

In the below example, this would only import users with of which their office location is equal to Nottingham, all other users would not be imported into the platform:

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